These abstract earth inspired earrings are made with white oak and resin. The natural grain pattern of the wood is intended to resemble topography lines on a map. In an attempt to mimic the spectrum of colors observed on the ocean’s surface, various blue, green, and white pigments were added to the resin.
White oak (Quercus alba) is harvested commercially for lumber and commonly used in flooring, furniture, and veneer. White oak heartwood is a light to medium brown, while the sapwood can be white to light brown.
American Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) is found throughout most of the Eastern United States and southernmost Eastern Canada. Sometimes referred to as “Ironwood,” though it is one of the few hardwoods bearing this name that do not actually sink in water. The name is instead given for the wood’s toughness and resistance to wear and abrasion. Because of its small size, Hophornbeam is seldom harvested commercially. Likely to be limited in availability, even within its natural range.
SERIES DATE(S): Spring 2021, Spring 2023